Thursday, December 17, 2009

a tree tradition

It's tradition for us to go with our friends, the Browns, to a certain tree farm in a neighboring town and pick out trees. This year we went with our friends (and brought our friends, the Dawsons, little boy with us), but we decided against getting a tree. We figured no one was coming over for Christmas and we still don't have our kids, so why bother?Well it turns out Nick's dad & sister will be coming over Christmas day. :) I asked my co-worker if I could borrow the foot tall half tree she has in our office over the Christmas weekend. She laughed and said she had a small pre-lit tree we could borrow instead. Her and her husband went to Walmart that night and she ended up buying a cute 3 ft pre-lit tree for us as an early Christmas present. It's just perfect!


  1. That co-worker of yours - she's a gem! :) Great to see you at lunch Tuesday, forgot to tell you how much I like your hair. Merry Christmas!

  2. Anji- Yes she is a gem, and I'm so thankful that I get to work with her! :) Lunch was fun... adventurous but fun! Still not sure I'm a raw sushi kind of gal. And thanks about the hair. I chopped over a foot off! I hadn't done anything to it that day because I wasn't feeling so great. Most people reading this blog probably have never seen a pic of me, so I'll be posting before and after shots of the hair soon :)
